Modeling and Simulation

Modeling and simulation is recognized as an essential part of the engineering process. It is used to represent current system design and portray understanding throughout the development lifecycle. The engineering decision process is continuously supported through system design emulation, trade-off analysis, financial analysis, and performance assessment.
As systems grow more complex, the ability to create a full-scale prototype model becomes cost prohibitive. INTERLOCKS modeling and simulation tool is an affordable alternative. Using discrete event simulation INTERLOCKS can be used during any stage of the development lifecycle and provides the same benefits to the engineering process as a full-scale prototype. The system design, operations, and component interrelations are clearly represented in the logic and data flow diagrams, while the event time sequences and procedural simulations demonstrate operation.
INTERLOCKS is able to provide efficient modeling and simulation solutions by using:
- Logic, data flow, and sequence diagrams automatically drawn “on-the-fly” from the event relational database
- Discrete event simulation generated through the definition of event relationship requirements AND, OR, and NOT
- Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
- Reusable components, events, logic threads, and relational databases
- Document Embedding